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Ontario Black Bear Hunting
Experience the adrenaline rush as your eyes focus on the big black bruin entering your baited post. As you are sighting in your weapon, be it rifle or bow, take a deep breath, exhaling slowly and ....... watch your trophy fall! Derek's four weeks of pre-baiting pays off again with your success! Together you will achieve your Black Bear Hunting goal! The fall black bear hunt at Cozy Camp is a very exciting part of our season. Your reserved hunt can start as early as August 15th. The black bear are more than plentiful in our private bear management areas; they are way overpopulated.
We have two BMAs (Bear Management Areas) and both are 100 square miles in size. The bear hunting area is heavily wooded with a diverse structure of lakes and rivers where food is plentiful so the bears are well fed and the bears get big. The black bears in our area average around 225 pounds but there is an availability of bigger old male bruins. Every year guests harvest several black bears in the 300 to 350 pound range with the biggest bear since we have owned the camp being 550 pounds. Black Bears over 400 pounds are rare and a true trophy so we don't want our hunting guests to expect a bear that big but the possibility is there. On occasion our bear hunt produces some rare color variations (color phases), such as brown-cinnamon black bears and chocolate black bears.
We have 20 baited stands spread out 2 to 3 miles apart. We start baiting a month before the hunt with lots of food rich in carbohydrates, which is what the bears love. We have four ladder stands & one permanent stand so we ask hunters to bring their own portable tree stands if they have one. This gives hunters the freedom to move to different baits. Some of our baits are set up with grown blinds for people with physical challenges. The stands are set up to give bow hunters a good clear target at an appropriate distance, which rifle hunters also enjoy. Guides are available. We also assist with retrieval and skinning. We also have freezers to store your bear meat.
A fully outfitted modern waterfront housekeeping cabin is included in the cost. In addition to accommodations; bear hunters have use of our 16ft Lund boats with 15hp Mercury 4-stroke motors with plenty of gas for your fishing pleasure. When you are not hunting you can enjoy the awesome walleye and northern fishing the English River system is famous for. Some of our bear hunting guests hunt in the morning and evening when the bears are most active. In the middle of the afternoon they find time to catch a few walleyes for lunch.
Our success rate speaks for it's self. With many repeat successful hunters eager to brag. References are easy to obtain and available upon request. Feel free to call Derek anytime to chat about your hunting trip of a lifetime! This is the most affordable "big game" hunt you will ever experience! If you have been dreaming of a black bear hunt in Canada, now is the time do it. The exploding black bear population in our area is a result of the low hunting pressure so success can be expected. Call today to reserve your trophy hunt. 1-877-934-6901
Below is a story about a 420lb chocolate black bear. It will give you of feel for the level of adventure you will experience.
Story of the 420 Pound Chocolate Bear
On one of his many bear hunting trips to Cozy Camp, John arrived on a warm and sunny Saturday afternoon. We checked out a couple of bait stands that were consisting being hit by more than one bear. He was sure to have a successful outcome on either of these sites. John already knew the layout of these two baited areas, as he had hunted them successfully in previous years. We call the bait on the power line "the rock" because of the many huge boulders around it. The other one we call "the pit" short for gravel pit. Both are very active baits & have had many bears harvested from them over the years.
Later that afternoon John & I set out to bait both of his preferred hunting areas. After dropping off the bear bait at "the rock", we then headed to "the pit" to drop off a bucket of tasty bear bait. On the way back out, about twenty minutes or so later, we checked "the rock" and it had been hit already!! John & I decided he should hunt the pit. He immediately got his stand set up there and was very happy with it.
The next afternoon around 2:00 PM. John went out to get himself set up in his stand. I came by and baited " the rock" and "the pit" just like I do everyday. (My bears know the sound of my truck!!). When I came back out from dropping off the bait, "the rock" had been hit again! So this bear was on a schedule for sure. John did not see anything his first day of hunting the pit. We had a meeting of the minds that evening, and decided he would hunt the pit again the next day. However, I told him we would go a bit early & if he didn't see anything by 1:00, he should move to "the rock" before 2:00 o'clock. Which is what he did. Well, by 3:00 o'clock John came back to camp still shaking with excitement. He said: "Derek, you're not going to believe me, but I shot a monster chocolate bear!!" He proceeded to tell me he was in his tree lounger when he saw the big brown bruin at about 100yds to his right in the middle of the power line cut. It was on one of the huge boulders with it's nose in the air checking the area for any scents that weren't familiar. Then he said, with disbelief, " The thing just stood straight up!". He was trying to wind John at that point. John said he didn't have a very clear shot, so he had to lean as far forward as he could, then aim and shoot before it got back down onto all fours. He took the shot, and hit his target! So we loaded up the 6x6 Polaris & off we went to track and retrieve the monster bear. Well, let me tell you folks, he glanced the bear's heart and took out most of one lung. That bear still ran 80yds before it finally fell. One heck of a shot!! John was extremely happy with his trophy, as you can see by the awesome rug on his wall!
Below is a video John took of a bear he passed on - Click to Start
